Saturday, May 10, 2014

One house - six girls - loads of fun!

I live with with five other girls. And without any doubts its the best thing that could have happen to me in Mumbai.

Apart from just being roommates to each other, we are a lot of things. Like -

  • Alarm - "Whoever leaves for work at or around 8.30 am tomorrow morning, please wake me up!" (Who needs to be woken up at 8.30 am on a summer morning??!! WE. )
  • Fashion Police - Rule of the house. Once you start staying with US, you cannot leave the house, without getting an approval from all the people in the house at that moment on everything (shoes, belts etc. included). You cannot. Even if you are late for the day, you just CANNOT leave the house. If you want, either leave without the approval anyway (and bear the consequences - the garment may just get stuck in something and tear) or leave when others are sleeping and be answerable to everyone in the evening. The best solution to this is to decide a night before. ;)
  • Garment hire store- Well, I don't need to elaborate on this coz isn't this obvious that if you have the same size as others and you share the same room then your cupboard is theirs also? Duh! 
  • 2 am or 5 am First Aid Kit/Nurse/Health Adviser/Etc - Got one of "those" cramps at the weirdest hour of the night, feel free to wake up someone and ask for the hot water bag, or pain killer. And This One is by experience - I had been diagnosed with dengue fever last October and the temperature was supposed to be controlled. I had three roommates healing me with ice packs on head, hands and legs each. 
  • Critics - What's with that habit of not answering when someone is calling you out or talking in that volume or using swear words so many times or obsessing over that guy so much.... this list can go on and on. 
  • Fan Club - We all are each other's biggest fan ever. Doesn't matter if no one complimented you on that hair cut, or dress, or that break-up (!), we always will. And we may travel 5kms to eat kulfi and celebrate. Doesn't really matter if the cab fare exceeds the cost of all our kulfis. 
  • Database for everything- When i say everything, its EVERYTHING. For best travel option to reach a place, food joints in any part of Mumbai (with their numbers), hair stylist, gynecologist, Zumba class, Bakery  and blah blah blah...
  • Service providers- Head, neck, back massages; Tarot Reading; hair straightening; photographer (who do u think will click that picture once you are in that dress :D); doorman on a weekend night for 2.30 am entry into the house - are some of the regular services that we have. But mind you, its only for US.
I am sure I am talking for all of us, when i say, we shall never forget any of the above and loads of other stuff - midnight ice creams, Maggie, chocolates, crying over work issues, guy issues and then getting consoled and sleeping with a smile, bitching, gossiping, dinners, night outs,breakfasts, carom and card games, crazy selfies.  

I don't think I can say anything else other than "Thank you! :* and Love you" to all of them and God.


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