Thursday, July 28, 2011

Some people are SALT.

I don't know what does the title of the post make you think but that's what I could think of these people about whom I am writing this. They are like "salt". You need to have them in your life. They are not the main ingredient of your life but they add to it. Just as salt does to our food.

Like for me if i get out of the house in the morning and i don't see that lady who sits near the temple with a cow for people to feed the latter (dunno if she takes somethings from her diet for herself, anyway!), I think to myself as to what happened. Likewise, if I don't get refused by some 7-8 rickshaw-wallas to take me to Goregaon fatak, my day is not made! There are some of them who will just not take you on any day, so now i kind of know them, and I don't ask them only!

In Bandra, I don't need to ask the rickshaw-wallas as there is this traffic-guy who is taking care of the whole scene there. He makes sure that people are in a queue and the rickshaw-wallas too take the passengers who are in the queue. I make sure to thank him everyday. On some days when he is not there, there is an old man who has a helmet on head, a stick in his hand and a whistle hung around his neck and with a style unique to him, he controls the traffic in front of the station. Amazing work, i think. On some other days, there is a garland vendor whose customers are mostly rickshaw-wallas, he takes over the whole thing. And the way they ask us to sit in the rickshaw is like they have got the three-wheeler only for us!

The three-wheeler takes me to my office only after stopping at this crossroad where this particular eunuch will ask each of us to give her some money. And if I deny, (which I do everyday, without fail), she abuses me in some language that, I think, is exclusive to her and her community. The moment I reach my office and the place where I leave the rickshaw is near a cottage that belongs to a couple who might be in their late 50s - early 60s. All their attention is on the fact that my rickshaw should not bump into one of the pots with their favorite plants. They haven't smiled a single time to me in the one year that I have been seeing them every morning without fail. So, at times when they are not there, I miss them and I feel like telling them, "Uncle and Aunty, I miss you, if you are not here in the morning!"

Unlike the morning-couple, I bump into another lady from the neighborhood during the day, who would call out to me each time she sees me and ask me to take care of myself. I can excuse her for taking my name wrong each time as she is very sweet. But the sweetest is the lady who sees me off everyday in the evening. She is around 80 yrs of age and sits on the bench outside her house. I look forward to just wave to her. When she is not there, I peep into the house to see if she is in there.

Some are sweet, some are sour but I think, they are the SALT of my everyday life. My day is incomplete without them. What's your SALT? :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Angelina Jolie is the only 'SALT' affecting our life!

Just joking...keep it up, nice writing.

-iv ?