Sunday, September 15, 2013

You have changed!

I have been hearing that a lot these days -You have changed! 

Changed from being a girl from a "small town" to a girl from Bombay. From a girl who had thick bushy eyebrows to someone with eyebrows so well done like "God made them with a lot of care and time" (those are not my words, btw). Changed from a girl with "weird' sense of dressing to some one "stylish". From wearing glasses to contact lenses to having a nose piercing. Changed from some one with bad curls and rough hair texture to "quiet straight" haired girl. Changed from naive to "glamorous" and "sophisticated". 

What has caused this change? Bombay? People in Bombay? Working in the fashion industry? Or what? may be all of these and more - slowly, steadily. Nothing over night though. 

Also what i would like to put on record today is that these are all superficial things which may be important but not necessary. What is necessary, still remains unchanged inside me. The self confidence, the motivation, the desire to be different and unconventional, the belief that I am born to do things differently. 

What has changed, improved and does matter really is the fact that I have a point of view that I can boast is my own and not borrowed from someone. I have a smile which has been beautiful always (I am proud of it and i have no shame in saying that either), and which has got better with the confidence. What is still undergoing a developmental change is the ability to control my mind, the realization that patience, words you use and accountability are some of the most important aspects in any relationship - personal or professional, open to self assessment at all points in life. 

When I have mastered all these, is when i will truly justify the statement - "You have changed!"

Some things/ppl/incidents that might have "changed" me. ;)

Running the Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon for awareness about Child Sexual Abuse

24th Birthday
Super cool, sexy and fun room-mates
Fashion photographer, boss, mentor